Sun Feifei - red carpet wardrobe malfunction

At the recent 2011 Esquire China Men of the Year Awards in Beijing, television actress Sun Feifei's (孙菲菲) white dress sash was stepped on by event host Fang Ling (方龄), which resulted in her dress falling off and her skin-colored bra being exposed. The incident echoes last week's Blue Vein Boob-gate, involving fellow C-lister Liu Yuxin's usage of a pushup bra about four sizes too small for her in front of paparazzi.
From the looks of it, there is something suspect about the gestures and expressions on Sun's face, as she reacts to the gifts her mother (or her surgeon) bestowed to her being semi-exposed in front of a horde of cameras.

The comedic splaying of Sun's arms and her poorly conveyed mock-surprise, along with the exaggerated look of oops on Fang's face, give us the impression that the whole thing was a planned publicity stunt.
Which we can surely understand. Given that all the boob-gloves seemingly came off in 2011, with a whole league of actresses striving to be noticed for the quality of their chest shape and sartorial framing (the reigning queen of this is Hunan TV host Liu Yan [柳岩]), Chinese celebrities will likely continue to keep showing off their treasure chests until the government drops the ban-hammer on the practice.
Some part of us wants to sympathize (in a totally non-partronizing fashion) with the Sun Feifei's and Liu Yuxin's of the world, who obviously smack of some desperation in their bid to get a little attention.
Sun, a graduate of the Beijing Dance Academy (alma mater of Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi) from Xi'an, will be 31-years-old in two months' time, and perhaps knows that revealing your cleavage with a falling-dress stunt is quite the savvy career move.
When the sand in the hourglass of brief celebrity is more at the bottom than it is at the top, we imagine one does whatever they have to to stay abreast of the ever-shifting waves of public taste.

Oh My Go(o)d !!


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